quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011

Moodboard Marques´Almeida AW 11.12

mood board. a form of visual stimulus material. designed to represent a mood, atmosphere or feeling. used to represent the "feel". research ideas. the images behind the final collection. inspiration.
 "we dived into the early to mid-nineties street style grunge way of facing fashion and developed what we believe to be a non-caring cool way of dressing with something very raw, crude and easy about it"
 "It made sense with our quest for reality and attitude that the 90’s served as an inspiration, being that it is, after all, the generation we grew up in"
 "It generally feels more relevant to us that, in our work, we talk about something that we know and relate to in an instinctive level so that we can understand and translate the mood in it"
 "The undone look that Corinne Day, Melanie Ward, a teenager Kate Moss and the Seattle grunge music scene headed by Kurt Cobain exposed in the early 90’s was the major font of research and inspiration for this collection"
"Suede pin-tucked oversize jumpers come as a reference to this boyish careless way of dressing. Heavily frayed denim, chopped in to pieces and tearing apart in the seams, seamed to us the perfect representation of this young, raw undone mood. We worked with this elements deconstructed and layered so that the final result turns into something young, modern and hopefully desirable"
Marta Marques / Paulo Almeida

quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011

Video Inspiration Marques´Almeida AW 11.12

"This collection is a consequence of our search for a sense of reality and “undone cool” that we eagerly want our work to transmit."  Marta Marques and Paulo Almeida

“Fashion is about attitude not hemlines”
Helmut Lang 

MARQUES ALMEIDA AW11 from marta marques on Vimeo.
brighton UK. beyond the visual similarities. 
the brighton pier built over the sea. 
roller coasters, background music and people walking the boardwalk.
seemingly something dynamic, fun and full of light. 
actually the rusty iron structures blend with the faded glow of neons. 
bizarre and even a little sinister.

wildwood new jersey.
the wildwood scene shot in super 8. 
raw. real.
roller coasters, background music and people walking the boardwalk.
the girls; attitude. surroundings. identity. realism. effortless cool.
it´s about reality. not about characters. a very specific reality of a very specific type of life.


terça-feira, 29 de março de 2011

Moodboard Alexander McQueen Hair SS 11

"Braid. A complex structure or pattern formed by intertwining three or more strands of flexible material such as textile fibres, wire, or human hair."
"Rattan. Any of various climbing palms of the genera Calamus, Daemonorops, or Plectomia of tropical Asia, having long, tough, slender stems. Work made of the stems of these palms."

sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2011

Flip-flops and the city

A list of five commandments on being the perfect gentleman by Tom Ford. We love never wear shorts and flip-flops in the city Tom.

Tom Ford

1. You should put on the best version of yourself when you go out in the world because that is a show of respect to the other people around you.

2. A gentleman today has to work. People who do not work are so boring and are usually bored. You have to be passionate, you have to be engaged and you have to be contributing to the world.

3. Manners are very important and actually knowing when things are appropriate. I always open doors for women, I carry their coat, I make sure that they're walking on the inside of the street. Stand up when people arrive at and leave the dinner table.

4. Don't be pretentious or racist or sexist or judge people by their background.

5. A man should never wear shorts in the city. Flip-flops and shorts in the city are never appropriate. Shorts should only be worn on the tennis court or on the beach.

Happy, everyone wants to be happy in life

Now-Again Records and What Matters Most present a two part film based on the recently released Seu Jorge and Almaz album by Brazilian singer and actor Seu Jorge.

No nation is hotter than Brazil when it comes to cinema and music. 

quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011

Trashy Decadent Chic(k)

Vanessa Paradis

Clémence Poésy

Jessica Stam for Russh Magazine

Jessica Stam for Russh Magazine

Jessica Stam for Russh Magazine

Jessica Stam for Russh Magazine

Jessica Stam for Russh Magazine

Trashy. Messy. Scruffy. That punkish look from the 70s. That grungy look from the 90s. The undone look is on. A high street sexy rock n roll undone. With a lot of leather and denim and high fashion. Vanessa Paradis has been doing it. Clémence Poésy is the new IT girl doing it. And Jessica Stam does it so good for Russh Magazine. Don´t forget not to brush your hair before leaving home tomorrow.

Color My Summer


Para quem como eu não conhece cor para além das diferentes gradações de cinza e preto, as carteiras da Zara são O acessório a ter em conta para a Primavera/Verão. Uma de cada, para conseguirmos entrar na tendência cor sem perdermos a nossa identidade não cor. É que, por muito que ache lindo o verniz amarelo Mimosa da Chanel ou as blusas azul eléctrico da Zara, o meu chariot mantém-se inalteravelmente em tons de cinza e na bolsa de maquilhagem não se vislumbra nada mais claro do que preto. Sou uma pessoa de tons neutros e não há volta a dar. Mas são capazes de me apanhar a passear uma destas pela cidade junto do coordenado mais escuro do meu guarda-fatos.

quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011

Metal Inserts

Balmain Spring Summer 2011

É frustrante quando uma tendência com detalhes tão marcantes se arrasta ao longo de várias estações.
Este verão ainda muitos acessórios vão ser populados por tachas e metais agressivos.
Stop the war.

Style Talk

AEG X580 Glamour

Menina que é menina gosta de prateado. E flores. E espelhos. E ama cristais. Gosta de conversa. De dar e de receber. E gosta de marcas que criam a pensar em meninas como nós. Não esperamos que os homens compreendam. It´s a girls stuff. E gostamos que assim seja.

Color Me

A última lua cheia do mês lunar é o pretexto para os Hindus festejarem. Liberdade. Dança. Cor. Amizade. Celebração. Sorrisos.  Cobrirmos de cor as pessoas de quem gostamos e celebrarmos a chegada da Primavera. É o mote do Festival das Cores. Drop your inhibitions and celebrate freedom with bright, vibrant colors.

terça-feira, 22 de março de 2011

A Blue Beginning

Tudo começa com uma capa. Blue Feeling. Blue Wanted. Queremos uma Primavera azul. Paint your closet Blue.  Todas as tonalidades de azul. Pick Blue. Azure. Baby Blue. Beryl. Cerulean. Cobalt. Cornflower Blue. Corporate Blue. Cyan. Indigo. Midnight Blue. Navy. Prussian Blue. Royal Blue. Sapphire. Sky Blue. Steel Blue. See the world with blue tainted glasses. A chuva quente de Primavera. As lágrimas salgadas de alegria. O mar. O céu. Calming. Relaxing. Like Spring Time. We Crave Blue.

Painting Blue

Feeling Blue

Chloë Sevigny para a Blast Magazine